Thursday, November 24, 2005


A traffic jam, an aggravating relative, writer's block. It's easy to get caught up in life's small details, especially when your life is so good. Like mine is. So here are just a few things I'm truly grateful for on this Thanksgiving and every other day of the year:
*Family: It's hard to think of life without them. They give me all the love and support I could ever want, spoil me (just before the rotten point), really listen and invite me to Thanksgiving dinners when there's nowhere else to go. I can't get used to the idea of living so far away from them, but I know they'll always be just a phone call or plane ride away.
*Friends: The real ones, the ones who matter, are always there to listen to my babbling when I'm bored and surrounded by strangers, there to take a road trip, pick out the next "hit" song before it hits the radio. I feel at home with them, even when we haven't seen or talked to each other in a while.
*My house: It'll soon be sold (we hope), but I'm thankful for the 22 years I've spent in it. I'm thankful for the neighborhood I grew up in, the people in it and and memories made here.
Among the many others: writing, newspapers, health, chocolate, photos, cell phones, my education, my life. I hope you all have something to be thankful for as well.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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