Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Here comes the sun

Not much to report about for this weekend. I caught a cold during my last day in Paris and after sniffling all week, I decided to forgo traveling for the weekend and just concentrate on taking it easy. Which, although boring, is what I did. On the plus side, the weather here is finally beautiful. It’s been warm and sunny for a quite a few days in a row and it really makes Geneva a more appealing city. I went downtown on Saturday and walked around the waterfront. It’s such a different scene from when I first arrived here. People are out, soaking up the sun on park benches, flowers are blooming and bits of green have begun to fill in the spaces on the weird knobby trees that line the water. On Sunday I did more of not a lot. After a massive load of laundry, I caught up with some family and friends on the phone and cleaned up around the apartment a bit. (Althea’s on my conscience.) I also went for a walk on some trails around my apartment and heard a cuckoo bird. Have you ever heard a real one before, because I hadn’t, just the sound that comes from the clock. And it sounds exactly like that. In fact, when I first heard it I thought, “Who in the world has a cuckoo clock in the forest?”

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