Monday, January 02, 2006

Two double zero six

It's happened to all of us and it's almost always awkward: running into a high school classmate who isn't one of the few you're still friends with. The way I see it, there are three ways to handle the situation.
1: This is only to be used if you and said classmate don't make direct eye contact. If you could care less about their degree, or lack thereof, their marriage, their divorce, or how many kids they've popped out in five years, pretend you don't see them. Keep talking to the person you're with, look at your cell phone like you're expecting a call, you get the idea. Chances are you've both seen each other, but with a little bit of acting, you can walk away scot-free.
2: If eye contact is made, but you'd rather walk into oncoming traffic than be nice to someone who was anything but nice to you, ignore them. But be warned that you'll look like a big jerk. It's usually better to suck it up and go for option number...
3: Say hi. Sometimes a simple one-syllable greeting and a nod will suffice. Other times, however, your meeting requires smiling, repeating "Oh my God, how are you?" while lining your face with surprise, and of course, a very awkward hug. It's a complicated process. So when I learned that more than 30 ex-South Lakers would be ringing in the new year at the same place I would be, I was a little less than excited.
To my surprise, it didn't matter. For the first time in a while, my New Year's Eve celebration was great. Yes, there were plenty of hugs, kisses on the cheek from guys who once walked right past me without a word and memory blanks. "What's her name?" Somehow, the reunion-esque atmosphere didn't damper my spirits. I was surrounded by those I really did want to hug: my three best friends and their significant others. We danced, we drank (a lot) and we numa numaed (which I'm declaring an official term). No drama, no puking, just plain fun. A perfect way to start a new year.

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