Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Photo update

Here's a photo of me, Siri and Leo in Chicago. I thought it would be nice to put faces with the names.
I'm getting into a regular routine here. Work until 5 p.m., gym, dinner, maybe a little TV or a couple phone calls and then reading a couple chapters of a book before I fall asleep. It's great to have time to read for fun, not because I have a test the next morning.
On top of writing my usual stories for the lab Web site, I'm starting to get some assignments for Symmetry, a magazine published jointly by Fermilab and the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Today, I started working on my first piece, for a section of the magazine called "Deconstruction." The idea is to take a graphic of something, a map, an accelerator, a painting, and explain what parts of it do through breakout boxes. The November issue is all about super computing, so I was handed a flow chart of a computer program and asked to explain it. Now, I'm really no better at deciphering computer language, than I am at deciphering physics, so this was no easy task. The diagram itself is covered in arrows and colors and strange command code that you might have seen on the old Radio Shack computers with the green screens. Luckily, I was able to talk with a scientist pretty familiar with the program and he gave me the down-low. I won't bore you with the details, which there are a lot of, so just read it when it's published.
I need to do something exciting, preferably off of Fermilab's site, so I can write about it. Until then...


Kris said...

I loved seeing the photo on your blog site! Your job sounds really rigorous and I'm sure I couldn't do it...but I'm sure you'll do a great job! Keep posting and I'll keep reading...Abbey says I have to get back to writing myself so maybe I'll get back into it soon. My blogs just aren't exciting like yours and Abbey's are!

Emily said...

Hey Kendra! I'm so glad you keep your blog updated and everthing. It's nice to see how you're doing. Good luck with your job and everything else. Are you coming to E.L. soon?

P.S. remember when you, beth, and I spent about 7 hours doing desk evaluations? hahaha ... i was just thinking about that yesterday b/c it's that time of the semester again.

gim said...

hey, kendra where i read some of your work? hope you're doing well!