Wednesday, August 17, 2005


My tooth came out easily. At least I think it did. There's no way of knowing how much cutting and pulling the doctor had to do while I lay unconscious.
In fact, I don't remember very much of the hours after surgery. They took off my glasses, put on an oxygen mask that partially obstructed my view and inserted the IV (didn't hurt as much as I was worried it would). Then, just like in the movies, I stared up at the oval shaped chair light, took two slow blinks while they asked me questions and I was out.
I don't remember the car ride home, although my mom says I was talkative. I crashed on our downstairs couch and filled the rest of the day with girlie movies and books. And so far, I've been in little pain. (knock on wood). My jaw's a little sore. There are stitches between four of my bottom teeth, which feel like floss that's permanently stuck there. But in general, I feel pretty good. I've only taken a couple painkillers since yesterday morning. I prefer to avoid those at all costs because they make me feel dizzy and tired.
I hope today is just as painless.
Then it's time to get ready for New Jersey!

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