Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I almost got sent to Lansing for a story today and I was so excited. Unfortunately, 10 minutes later, my editor told me to stay in the bureau instead. But during those minutes, I painted the trip in my head. A familiar cruise down I-96. Interviewing people on the Capitol steps, a place where I covered rallies about issues ranging from gay rights to abortion when I still carried the State News title. And best of all, a stop in the newsroom to surprise Amy and the few other staffers I still know there.
I miss that place.
I miss a lot of people.
But this weekend helped a bit, as each day brought some sort of reunion. On Friday, Abbey and Adam flew in from New Jersey for her sister's graduation party. Abbey left in May, two weeks after we graduated, and being away from her for this short amount of time has been rough. She's my best friend, has pretty much has held that title since third grade, and it's difficult not having her on call when I just need someone to hang out with. You take people for granted when they're around and realize how much it meant to just have them there for the little things: watching cheezy rental movies or driving around town with no destination in mind. Anyway, it was great to see her, and Adam, this weekend. I miss both of them and want to visit them on the "shore" as soon as possible.
The second part of my reunion weekend came on Sunday. Pat was in town, and I met up with him and some of the other guys to watch the Pistons game. I still can't believe how Pat's life has changed in four years. He was in my dorm during first year at MSU. After that year, he joined the Army and has since been to training camps across the country, South Korea, and possibly Iraq in the near future. It's always good to see him, and he's the same old Pat, only with a little bit (OK, maybe a lot bit) more muscle.

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